Hi, I'm Nicolas Diez

As a general graphic designer, I focus on creating thoughtful and impactful designs. Quality and customer satisfaction are always my top priorities. My goal is to bring your vision to life with designs that truly inspire.

UX / UI Prototyping

I design user-centered, professional wireframes
with a strong focus on accessibility and seamless experiences.

Brandig / Logodesign

I create unique, professional branding
and logos that capture the essence
of your vision.

Responsive Webdesign

I design modern, responsive websites that look great and function seamlessly on all devices, ensuring an optimal user experience everywhere.

Let's shape together

I look forward to collaborating with you to bring your vision to life! Feel free to reach out for other projects as well, like logo animation, social media management, photo editing, and more.

UX / UI Prototyping

How I work

Mit Figma als primärem Tool setze ich Autolayout und Komponenten ein, um skalierbare und strukturierte Designs zu entwickeln. Durch den Aufbau von Designsystemen stelle ich einheitliche und wiederverwendbare Elemente sicher. Von Wireframes über Animationen bis hin zu Advanced Prototyping decke ich den gesamten Prozess der Interface-Gestaltung ab, um intuitive und benutzerfreundliche Lösungen zu realisieren.

Why me

- gutes preis leistungsverhältnis
- persöhnlich
- einhalten der Deadlines
- hoher Anspruch
- viel Motivation
- schnell
- hohe Qualität

Let's shape together

I look forward to collaborating with you to bring your vision to life! Feel free to reach out for other projects as well, like logo animation, social media management, photo editing, and more.